January 2021
The Newsletter of the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Volume Forty Five, Number One, January 2021

Jenny Fedewa, Editor
790 W. Lake Lansing Rd. Ste. 400 East Lansing, Michigan  48823
Email address:  msha@att.net
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For more information on MSHA or to contact board members visit: 

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MSHA Executive Board & Advisory Assembly 2019-2020

MSHA Executive Board:
President: Gregory J. Spray,  Ph.D., CCC-SLP
President-Elect: Derek Daniels, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Past President: Lisa L. Register, M.A., CCC-SLP
Secretary: Katharine LaPierriere, M.A., CCC-SLP
Treasurer: Sherry Riedel, M.A., CCC-SLP
VP for Advocacy: Kelli Pierce, M.A., CCC-SLP
VP for Audiology Services: Open
VP for Membership: Ashley Gutowski, M.A., CCC-SLP
VP for Professional Dev & Education: Amy Prichard Sova,  M.A., CCC-SLP
VP Elect for Prof Dev & Education: Amy Prichard Sova, M.A., CCC-SLP
VP for Public Relations: Sarah Killinger, M.A., CCC-SLP
VP for SLP/Healthcare: Rosalyn Davis, M.S., CCC-SLP
VP for SLP/Public Schools: Michele Montmorency, M.A., CCC-SLP/A
MSHA Advisory Assembly:
Audiology Practice: Open
Communications and Networking: Marissa Swanson, M.A., CFY-SLP
Continuing Education: Sarah Choss, M.A., CCC-SLP
Ethics & Standards: OPEN
SLP Healthcare: Rosalyn Davis, M.A., CCC-SLP
SLP Public School: Alyssa Webster, M.A., CCC-SLP
Student Affairs: Hannah Dale, M.A., CFY-SLP
MSHA Members-at-Large
N.W. Michigan: Michelle Baumgartner, M.A., CCC-SLP
S.E. Michigan: Courtney Halbower, M.A., CCC-SLP
S.W. Michigan: D'Jaris Coles-White, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
N.E. Michigan: Beth Laframboise, M.A., CCC-SLP
Upper Peninsula: Wanda Kiiskila, M.A., CCC-SLP
Member-at-Large Representing Students: Anthony Strevett, B.A.,  Michigan State University
ASHA Committee of Ambassadors:  Alice Silbergleit, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
ASHA STAMP Representative: Rosalyn Davis,, M.S., CCC-SLP
ASHA STAR Representative: Julie Pratt, M.S., CCC-SLP
ASHA SEAL Representative: Courtney Halbower, M.A., CCC-SLP

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Save the Dates: Upcoming MSHA Conferences

MSHA Conference 2021: 
March 18-20, 2021

MSHA Conference 2022:

March 24-26, 2022
Kellogg Conference Center, East Lansing

The next et cetera newsletter will be emailed to all MSHA members in February
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Reseach Corner


If you have information you would like posted in the "Research Corner" of the MSHA newsletter, et cetera please contact Jenny Fedewa at msha@att.net

Calendar of Events Import

Outstanding Clinician Nomination

The MSHA Healthcare Committee is looking for outstanding clinicians in the healthcare setting.  Do you have a colleague who motivates others to provide excellent clinical service or demonstrates exemplary professionalism with individuals with communication disorders?  If so, please visit the MSHA website to complete a nomination form.  The deadline to nominate an outstanding clinician is Friday, August 20, 2021.  Clinicians will be honored at the MSHA 2022 Annual Conference.  If you have any questions, please contact Rosalyn Davis  at rdavis2@dmc.org.  

State of Michigan Guidelines for Operating Schools Safely

On January 8, 2021 the Governor of Michigan announced her push to get kids back in schools (safely and to the extent possible in-person) by March 1. With that announcement, her staff sent out a DHHS guidance document. Click here to view

Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (MSHF) Scholarships

Liz Stevens, President, MSHF

Greetings from the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation (MSHF). This past year has been a difficult one for us all. The isolation we have felt is a reminder of that experienced by  many of the persons we treat, be they adults or children. Communication is the bridge that connects us to one another. What better way to support our future professionals than by giving to an organization that provides them merit-based scholarships. Over the past fifteen years since the founding of MSHF in 2006, over 100 students have received scholarships. The MSHF is pleased to again announce the application process for competitive scholarships. This scholarship award is intended for graduate students in their final year of a professional program (Master’s SLP or AuD) in the state of Michigan who intend to work in the state of Michigan following graduation. Applicants must be current enrolled in a graduate program. Scholarships will be awarded in the amount of $500.00. View full information here

Help us celebrate our 15th birthday by making a donation today. Won’t you give a helping hand to a deserving future professional.  Click here to donate
Thank you for the work that you do every day to help persons with communication disorders. And thank you for your support of the foundation. I am pleased to return to the board at its helm as we sail into the next decade. Be on the alert for more frequent communications from the foundation coming your way. Happy New Year!!!

Liz Stevens, President, MSHF

MSHF Board 2021:
Pam Ansell       
Alyssa Eminhizer            
Courtney Halbower
Vitaliy Mednik              
Kathy Rigley-Rowell         
Liz Stevens
John Stevens               
Katie Strong                    
Tim Weise
MSHA Liason: Ashley Gutowski

MSHA Industry Sponsorship Opportunity

As the decision has been made to host the 2021 conference virtually, we are pleased to offer you the NEW for 2021, MSHA Industry Sponsor Opportunity. Sponsors will receive extensive visibility with our conference participants, acknowledgment on our website, logo and company name listed in the conference Program Book and newsletter Et Cetera. Each sponsors Company/University name will be given with the beginning and ending CEU numbers as the official sponsor of at least one session during the conference. 
MSHA Industry Sponsor Opportunity    $200
This is a new opportunity for MSHA supporters to be recognized throughout the year. The sponsorship includes all the following:
**Your company name and logo featured in the Et Cetera, MSHA newsletter that is received by approximately 1400 industry professionals. Sponsors will be featured prominently in all 2021 issues.
**Company name and logo featured on the website January-December 2021
**MSHA will feature your company name and logo and a short paragraph or ad on all social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter and Instagram). This offer would be for once a month beginning in January and ending in December 2021.
**Visibility with conference registrants; sponsors recognized on the “home” screen of the conference, shown before the conference and during all breaks. All sponsor will be listed in the conference program, which will be mailed to all speakers and registrants.
**Recognition as the official sponsor of at least one session at the 2021 Virtual Conference. Your company/university will be announced and thanked with the beginning and ending CEU’s of the session(s).

View full information at www.michiganspeechhearing.org or click here to register
Adverstiment options for the conference program (which will be postal mailed to all registrants and speakers) is also available. View details here.

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From the President

By Gregory J. Spray, Ph.D., CCC-SLP

Dear MSHA Members,
Happy New Year! I would like to express my sincere gratitude to each and every member of our organization. Much has been asked of you over the past year, and you have responded. MSHA members have continued to contribute their efforts and expertise to help the state of Michigan fight the pandemic. Although we continue to face the challenges presented by COVID-19, hope is on the horizon in the form of a vaccine. In fact, many of our members have already received their first round of COVID-19 vaccine, and have shared their positive stories and selfies on social media. MSHA would like to know a bit more about the availability of the vaccine across the state, so we will be sending you a survey in the coming days, which can be completed anonymously. I hope you will join me in making an appointment to get your vaccine (as able) as soon as possible.  
Despite the pandemic’s opposition, MSHA made significant progress this year on internal matters such as our organizational structure. We have recently added the Vice President of Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion, and have also added a new committee that will develop trainings, workshops, and help us to become a more inclusive organization that embraces and champions diversity. Over the past year, MSHA has also created a new award for individuals who make significant contributions to diversity and infusion within the fields of speech pathology and audiology, and society. After much consideration, this prestigious award has been named the "Dr. Ida J. Stockman Achievement in Diversity & Infusion Award" in honor of Dr. Stockman's contributions to diversity and infusion within the classroom, research laboratory, and clinical settings (read more about Dr. Stockman's legacy below). Another milestone for MSHA comes in the form of CEU opportunities. If there is a silver-lining to COVID-19, this might be it! MSHA has spent several years trying to figure out a way to develop and offer CEU opportunities for members, but has always run into barriers. This year, because of COVID-19, we had no choice but to face those barriers and challenges directly. As a result, MSHA offered courses online that are required for MSHA licensure free of charge to members and also offered an online Summer Symposium, which replaced our in-person conference. Each of these changes wouldn't have been possible without our members, or our Executive Board and Advisory Assembly, which are made up of volunteers. 
As we approach Martin Luther King Jr. Day (MLK Day), I would like to encourage each member of our organization to volunteer in a meaningful way that improves the lives of others and contributes to the betterment of society. Did you know--MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “an individual has not started living until [they] can rise above the narrow confines of [their] individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity.” The presence of COVID-19 makes volunteering difficult, however, there are still many ways to give back. For example, you could: 1.) donate food or goods to a meal center/food kitchen, 2.) donate clothes for people without homes (consider Joey’s Detroit Socks), and/or 3.) make or donate blankets, hats, or scarves. COVID-19 has changed nearly every aspect of our lives; however, we should not let this barrier impede our ability to assist others. 
As we enter 2021, let’s all continue to be mindful of those around us. As we have seen in so many ways throughout the year, kindness and empathy can be incredibly powerful, even transformative. I would like to thank you for allowing me to serve as President of the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association. Together, I hope we can better advocate for the clients, families, and students we serve, while also strengthening the bridge between research and clinical practice. 
Gregory J. Spray, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
President | Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association

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Achievement in Diversity & Infusion Award Renamed to Honor a Pioneer in the Profession

The Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association has created a new award for individuals who make significant contributions in the area of diversity. The state of Michigan has been fortunate to have a number of clinicians and researchers develop an inclusive environment that embraces individuals from diverse backgrounds; however, one person stands out amongst all: Dr. Ida J. Stockman. Therefore, the MSHA Executive Board has decided to name this award the “Dr. Ida J. Stockman Achievement in Diversity Award.”

Dr. Stockman retired from the Department of Communicative Sciences & Disorders at Michigan State University in 2007 after a successful career that spanned more than four decades. Over the course of her career, she made contributions in the areas of Autism Spectrum Disorders, the interface of human and machine learning and development, and speech and language development. More specifically, Dr. Stockman made a significant impact on our field by studying typical and atypical development of children who speak African American English. Her work has led to more than 200 scholarly contributions to these areas inclusive of refereed and invited journal articles, conferences, and workshops.
Although Dr. Stockman “retired” in 2007, she has continued to mentor clinicians, researchers, and other young professionals, while also making significant contributions to academia. Her current research focuses on natural oral language analysis as a least-biased venue for identifying typical developmental milestones among young speakers of African American English. She has also examined the viability of a minimal competence core notion for creating usable protocols for assessing the language of speakers with language difference.
It is impossible to fully convey the impact Dr. Stockman has had on the field of communication sciences and disorders. Her contributions have infused diversity within the curricula, and have shaped clinical training and practice. Some words that echo in my mind as I write: mentor, trailblazer, pioneer, scientist, leader, supporter, and advocate. Dr. Stockman has inspired her colleagues, friends, students, and next generation of clinicians. Her kindness, brilliance, and constant support of others has been shared quite magnanimously over her lifetime. In fact, many of the MSHA Executive Board members shared personal stories about their past experiences with Dr. Stockman, or provided examples of how their colleagues had been impacted by her positive influence. 
Thus, the MSHA Executive Board unanimously voted to rename the newly established Achievement in Diversity & Infusion Award as the “Dr. Ida J. Stockman Achievement in Diversity & Infusion Award” based on Dr. Stockman’s contributions to the field of communication sciences and disorders, diversity and infusion, and the personal and professional lives of many. 
The MSHA Executive Board would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to Dr. Stockman for her years of contribution and service to our profession and the Association. We would also like to thank her for inspiring many of us directly and indirectly. 

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MSHA 2021 Conference

Amy Prichard Sova, M.A., CCC-SLP, Conference Chair 2021

Propelling our Professions into the Future: Your Connection to Research & Clinical Practice
Mark your calendars for March 18-20, 2021 MSHA Annual Conference. As a 2021 conference attendee you will have the opportunity to increase your knowledge and skill set through an array of comprehensive courses. Both ASHA CEUs and SCECHs will be offered.
MSHA members will soon receive in the mail a flyer with all the details for the virtual 2021 MSHA Annual Conference: Propelling the Professions into the Future~ Connecting Research and Clinical Practice, March 18-20, 2021. The flyer will contain the Preliminary Program as well as the Conference Registration Form

We are pleased to be able to offer you a 3 day Medical Track and a Public School Track as well as an all-day Student/Novice Clinician track. We will be offering 43 classes made up of Short courses, Double Miniseminars and Miniseminars. Our 3 day digital program hosts a number of amazing speakers, sponsors and incredible events (including bringing back the Praxis Trivia QuizBowl and The MSHA Annual Meeting). 

Registration for the 2021 Annual Conference is open now!  MSHA is offering an incredible line-up of speakers this year which you can see in the highlights below. 

Conference Highlights
For the Complete Program follow this link: 2021 MSHA Preliminary Program for the Annual Conference 
Thursday, March 18, 2021
Offered to the Public Schools track:
Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC-A, LSLS Cert, AVT, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, The University of Akron, will present 1 Short Course: Managing Unilateral, Mild, Moderate, & Fluctuating Hearing Losses in Children
▲ Kelly Vess, MA, CCC-SLP, and Michelle Satler, MOT, OTR/L, both with Grosse Pointe Public School System, will present: Teletherapy for Preschoolers: Keeping it Real in the Digital World. 
Offered to the Medical track:
▲Kaitlyn Moses, CCC-SLP, Keli Licata, M.A., CCC-SLP, both with U of M Aphasia Program, and Jon Ross, U of M will present: Providing Family-Centered Care in an ICAP: An Interdisciplinary Team Approach for Supporting Individuals with Aphasia and Their Care Partners.
▲Anjli Lodhavia, M.S., CCC-SLP, and Ross Mayerhoff, M.D.,  Henry Ford Health System will present: “When a Cough Isn’t COVID” Interdisciplinary Management of Irritable Larynx Syndrome.
 Offered to All tracks:
▲ Lawrence L. Prokop, D.O., Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine, will offer a class, on Pain Management, Pain Issues Update for Speech Language Pathology, which will satisfy the biennial LARA requirement for Michigan Licensure.
▲ Emily Johnson, LLMSW, Michigan Abolitionist Project, will present: Human Trafficking 101. This class will satisfy the Michigan Licensure (LARA) requirement for human trafficking.
Friday, March 19, 2021
Offered to the Public Schools track:
▲ Carol Flexer, Ph.D., CCC-A, LSLS Cert, AVT, Distinguished Professor Emeritus, The University of Akron, will present 1 Short Course: Executive Functions, and Theory of Mind: Audiologists and Speech-Language Pathologists Collaborate.
▲ Marianne Nice, M.S., CCC-SLP, National lead trainer for Lively Letters, will present 2 Short Courses: Training and
Certification in Lively Letters and Sight Words. You must attend both classes to receive the Certificate of Training.
▲ Jaime Michise, M.S., CCC-SLP, University of North Texas, and Scott Palasik, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-F, University of Akron will present, Mindfulness 101: Experiencing Your Mind and the Neurology Behind it.
Offered to the Medical track:
▲ Alice K. Silbergleit, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Jessica E. Shill, M.D., and Laura Garcia-Rodriguez M.D., all with Henry Ford Health System, will present: Interdisciplinary Collaboration of the Transgender Client: Bridging Voice Therapy with Medical and Surgical Care
▲ Pablo Antonio Ysunza, M.D., Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Beaumont and Cheryl Lozon, M.A. CCC-SLP, Troy Schools, will present: Speech and Resonance Disorders in Craniofacial Syndromes.
▲Jeff Searl, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Michigan State University, Phil Doyle, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Ann Kearney, CScD, CCC-SLP, BCS-S, Both with Stanford Medicine, Otolaryngology – Head & Neck Surgery will present: Perspectives on Head and Neck Cancer Patient Care During the Pandemic - Lessons Learned.
Saturday, March 20, 2021
Offered to the Public Schools track:
▲ Jonathan L. Preston, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Syracuse University, on Saturday will present 2 Short Courses: Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Preschool and School-Age Children Part I: Assessment, Treatment Planning, and Motor Learning; and Childhood Apraxia of Speech in Preschool and School Age Children Part II: Evidence-Based Approaches to Treatment.
▲ Scott Palasik, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-F, University of Akron, will present WHEN I STUTTER Documentary Film Screening with Q & A about the psychosocial impact of stuttering.
Offered to the Medical track:
▲ Bonnie Martin Harris, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, BCS-S, ASHA Fellow, Northwestern University, will present 2 Short Courses: TheModified Barium Swallow Impairment Profile (MBSImP™): Optimizing Validity, Reproducibility, and Outcomes from Videofluoroscopic Imaging Across the Lifespan and Respiratory-Swallow Coordination: Implication and Application in Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment.
▲Lisa Mammoser, M.A., CCC-SLP and Carolyn Doty, M.A., CCC-SLP, Beaumont Health will present: Executive Function Skills Following Brain Injury.
▲Ramya Konnai, Ph.D., and Neepa Patel, M.D., both with Henry Ford Health System will present The Role of a SLP in the Multi-disciplinary clinic for Huntington’s Disease. 
Offered to All tracks:
▲ Jaynee Handelsman, Ph.D., CCC-A, ASHA Fellow, Great Lakes Ears Nose & Throat Specialist, Petoskey, will present: Professional Ethics: Navigating the Current Landscape.
Information on how to access the ZOOM conference and CEU paperwork will be sent to you a week before the start of the conference. Handouts for the conference will be available in early March on the MSHA website.   

If you would like to submit a 2021 Student Poster Submission there is still time. Please submit the Student Poster Session Call For Paper.  All forms can be found on the MSHA website.

For more information please contact MSHA at 517/332-5691 or email: msha@att.net
We look forward to welcoming you back in 2021,

Amy Prichard Sova, M.A., CCC-SLP, Conference Chair 2021

MSHA VP for Professional Development and Education

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Thank You Sponsors

MSHA offers a heartfelt thanks to the following companies and universities (in no particular order) for their continued support of the MSHA Annual Conference. With their generosity the association is able to move forward with the mission of "providing professional support and development, public awareness, and advocacy for professionals in communication sciences and disorders and they individuals they serve."


If you are interested in becoming or have questions on becoming a 2021 Industry Sponsor please contact Jenny Fedewa at jennymsha@gmail.com or visit the MSHA website to view all options.
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MSHA Member Updates

Welcome to the MSHA Member Updates Inaugural Article. This section will announce and salute achievements, both personal and professional.
Congratulations to President-Elect, Dr. D’Jaris Coles-White, who was recently appointed to the Michigan Board of Speech-Language Pathology by Governor Whitmer. Dr. Coles-White is a Professor at Andrews University, and will serve on the licensing board until 2024.

Karen Kurcz, M.A., CCC has announced her retirement from Michigan Medicine, Speech-Language Pathology as of 12/31/2020. Ms. Kurcz has worked for Michigan Medicine for 31 years and has served as Interim Director for the department for the past 2 years. She is completing just over 37 years in this profession.

This is a great article written recently by Katie Strong, Ph.D., CCC-SLP,  for a national organization, the ANCDS (The Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences). Click here for the full article. 

Alice Silbergliet has been appointed to the ASHA Committee of Ambassadors for the state of Michigan for 2021. The committee replaces the ASHA advisory council. 

Michigan State University would like to announce the following:

* Dr. Peter LaPine has retired in 2020 after 40 years of tenure in the MSU CSD Department. He retains a status of Emeritus Professor.
* Dr. Jeff Searl was promoted to the rank of Professor with Tenure in 2020.
* Dr. Eric Hunter was designated as MSU Foundation Professor in 2020 as a recognition for exemplary scholarly accomplishment.
* Dr. Maryam Naghibolhosseini was bestowed the ASHA Early Career Contributions in Research Award (ECCR) in 2020.
* Dr. Courtney Venker was bestowed the prestigious MSU Teacher-Scholar Award in 2020.

* Dr. Ida Stockman was bestowed the prestigious MSU Faculty Emeriti Association Award in 2020.
* Dr. Bridget Walsh was awarded in 2020 a 5-year R01 grant from NIH/NIDCD titled “Developmental Trajectories to Stuttering Persistence and Recovery.”
* Dr. Scott Yaruss was awarded in 2020 a 5-year R01 grant from NIH/NIDCD titled “Stuttering in the Real World: Quantifying Variability to Improve Measurement Reliability and Validity.”
* Dr. Carolyn Novaleski is the newest CSD faculty hire, starting as an Assistant Professor in August 2021.

Natalie Douglas, Associate Professor at Central Michigan University and Lyssa Johnson, Speech-Language Pathologist at Benedictine Health Care System were awarded a $35,000.00 Researcher-Practitioner Collaboration Grant from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Foundation. 
Western Michigan University have had a number of recent retirements, specifically Yvette Hyter, Ph.D., CCC-SLP, Jan Bedrosian, Ph.D., Steve Tasko, Ph.D., & Bharti Katbamna, Ph.D, CCC-A.
In addition, they were able to provide departmental awards to the following graduate students since the onset of COVID:
John “Mick” Hanley Scholarship:  Jessica Segraves
Max & Lisa M. Herrera Memorial Scholarship: Lily Soule and Laurie Arboreal
Gary Lawson Audiology Scholarship: Madalyn Keeslar  
Dean Emerita Marie L Stevens Scholarship: Ronella Chernov and Kelsey McIlwain
Robert & Candis Warner Scholarship: Helene Paulson, Lauren Washington, and Ethan Santiago Rivera Van Sant
D. Kenneth Wilson  Scholarship: Opheria Cheng  
Hope Gerlach, an new Assistant Professor at Western Michigan University, was accepted to attend The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) Fogarty International Center four-day Stigma Research Training Institute. The training aims to promote transdisciplinary and novel health-related stigma research methods to a cohort of researchers from diverse fields. She was one of 40 scholars selected from a pool of more than 260 applications from across the world. The training will take place on the NIH campus in the summer of 2021. She plans to incorporate novel stigma research methods into her work as the principal investigator of the Stuttering and Psychosocial Outcomes Research Lab (SPOR Lab) at WMU.

Congrats to Sarah Choss, MSHA advisory assembly member for Continuing Education committee bought her first home. Congrats, Sarah!
If you have content you would like featured please contact Jenny Fedewa at the MSHA office, mhsa@att.net

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Newsletter 2016 Redesign - January 2021