Aphasia Advocacy Project
MSHA’s Aphasia Advocacy Project
What Exactly is Aphasia?
Please help the Michigan Speech-Language-Hearing Association (MSHA) spread awareness of aphasia during the month of June by sharing the video What Exactly is Aphasia? This 2 minute video has been made with the collaboration of Speech-Language Pathologists and individuals living with aphasia aiming to improve awareness in our state. The video can also be found on the MSHA Facebook page.
Please Watch * Like * Share the video on social media.
A 6 minute video of What Exactly is Aphasia? is also available to share with patients, families and other professionals. The video focuses on the fact that aphasia does not affect the individual’s intelligence, only that individual’s ability to communicate. It also highlights the role of speech language pathology in improving communication.
Volunteer committee members of MSHA have collected these resources to assist others in sharing information with other professionals and consumers.
ASHA's clinical topics: Aphasia
Other related organizations
Academy of Neurologic Communication Disorders and Sciences
Aphasia Alliance
Aphasia Bank
Aphasia Hope Foundation
Aphasia Institute
National Aphasia Association
National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Printable resources
NINDS Aphasia Information Page
Let’s Talk about Stroke
Aphasia: Communicating through the Barriers
Communication advice from the experts: Individuals with Aphasia
June is Aphasia Awareness Month
Definitions of Aphasia Types
List of Aphasia Resources